




I strive to ensure that the information posted on this site is as accurate as possible. However, it may contain errors or may not be up-to-date. The posted information is subject to change or deletion without notice. When using the information posted on this site, I ask that you do so at your own discretion and responsibility. Please understand that I cannot assume any responsibility for any trouble, loss, or damage arising from the use of the information obtained from this site.



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This site may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by me. I have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that I shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such websites or services.



About Copyright

The unauthorized use or reproduction of any content or images on my personal website beyond the scope defined by copyright law is strictly prohibited. If you wish to quote any content, please ensure that the source is clearly indicated. There is no need to contact me in this regard.



About Linking

This site is free to link. There is no need to contact me when posting a link. However, please refrain from direct linking to images used on this site.


当サイトのイラストの一部は、コミPo及び/またはkuma kuma manga editorを用いて作成したものです。

About Illustrations

Some illustrations on this site were created using Comipo and/or Kuma Kuma Manga Editor.


  • プログラムの改変と利用範囲:当サイトで紹介されているマクロなどのプログラムは、自由に改変していただいて構いません。但し、その利用は個人またはご所属の会社内に限定してください。
  • 再配布の禁止:当サイトで紹介されているプログラムを無断で再配布することを禁じます。
  • 免責:当サイトで紹介されているプログラムに起因するいかなるトラブル、損失、損害につきましても、当サイトは一切の責任を負いかねます。プログラムの使用は、必ず自己責任で行ってください。
  • セキュリティ:プログラムの使用は、システムのセキュリティに影響を及ぼす可能性があります。使用前には十分な対策を講じてください。
  • バックアップの推奨:プログラムの使用前には、重要なデータのバックアップを推奨します。これにより、予期しない問題が発生した場合でも、データを安全に保つことができます。


Disclaimer for Program Usage

  • Modification and Usage Scope of Programs: You are free to modify the programs, including macros, introduced on this site. However, their usage should be confined to personal or within your affiliated company.
  • Prohibition of Redistribution: Unauthorized redistribution of the programs introduced on this site is strictly prohibited.
  • Liability: This site cannot be held responsible for any trouble, loss, or damage arising from the use of the programs introduced here. Please use the programs at your own risk.
  • Security: The use of programs may potentially affect system security. Please take adequate precautions before use.
  • Recommendation for Backup: I recommend backing up important data before using any programs. This can help secure your data in case of unexpected issues.

Please understand the above points before using the programs.